ChatGPT and the other tools that have appeared on the web have the attention of all the people that deal with content in its various shapes… Now, there’s a new evolution in AI for content marketing.

ChatGPT-4 is here and it has some new and interesting peculiarities:

  1. First of all, it is not free, but it is accessible exclusively to those who have a “Plus” account.
  2. It improved its skills in both creative writing and technical writing.
  3. Tries to adapt to the writing style of those who use it.
  4. The output is more advanced and shows better “reasoning” and synthesis skills.
  5. It accepts inputs of up to 25,000 words (and generates an output of up to 25,000 words, you can analyze very long texts and generate equally long texts).
  6. It can pass very complex exams and tests, at a much better level than the previous version.
  7. You can give input with images!
  8. The answers are “safer”… (Do you know? The previous version recommended I lubricate my knee joints with butter!).

AI will have a huge impact on the world of online writing.

Trying to summarize for those who still do not know it: ChatGPT is a tool developed by OpenAI and based on artificial intelligence that answers questions with texts.
In brief, you enter prompts and ChatGPT responds with unique texts. These outputs are not copied from other sources, they’re generated.

Indeed, ChatGPT is better at writing than many humans. So much better many SEO consultants and writers have said that AI is the end of blogging, web copywriting, and web writing.
I don’t think so. At least for now, this AI copywriting tool cannot generate correct and high-quality content. Sometimes, ChatGPT gives wrong answers and makes them up. Hopefully, the new version will be better, but you can still have fun and generate useful content with the free ChatGPT everyone can access.

Remember: It’s not possible to be sure that an AI output is good “as is”, out-of-the-box. You must review it. Don’t get me wrong, AI is excellent, I tried it to generate ideas for ads, posts, code snippets and SEO… And it gave me great hints!


Using AI for content marketing is not advisable if you plan to let it do the whole job. Why?

AI is good to write “agnostic” content. Its content will miss your tone of voice, and your style, it won’t have the factor that makes you you. Seems that GPT-4 will start, partially, to resemble the style of the human that prompts it, but it’s not ready yet.

AI is good at retrieving data, though the newest pieces of information in the free ChatGPT version are from 2021.

AI is not good at writing factual content. It can make huge mistakes.

If you are a fempreneur or a small business owner looking to do some SEO or build your online authority, you must publish quality content. You’ll have to show that you know what you’re talking about and provide examples, case studies and facts…

You need to publish valuable how-to’s, give effective advice, and become visible as an expert in your field, so you cannot trust any AI to speak in your stand, just like you would not publish another human’s post on your website without reviewing it.

Entrepreneurs that published low-quality articles made solely to rank won’t have any regret in copying and pasting ChatGPT-generated content. They’re the people that kept on publishing tons of useless 200-word posts stuffed with keywords, just for the sake of ranking. They’re the ones that kept writing all the content that made the web become an ocean of written junk.

It does not matter how you write a web resource: Google recognises quality. And it rolled out an update about it, just right after the use of AI for content marketing started to rise.

How to start using AI for writing

The best way to use AI for content marketing is to outline ideas. Let me show you what I’m talking about.

Free ChatGPT welcome screen 2023
  1. Go to
  2. Click on “Sign Up” and create an account: you’ll land on a page like the one above.
  3. Have a look: there are some examples of questions right on this welcome screen.
  4. Write your prompt (ask a question, request a piece of code or some data…)
  5. Wait for the result: you can stop here or ask ChatGPT to refine it, go deeper, and split it into sub-topics.

Here’s a screenshot of a simple prompt you can use to outline ideas for a couple of posts. I asked specifically for a title length between 45 and 60 characters to have an SEO-friendly title that can be used as a Title tag without too much editing.

Simple ChatGPT prompt example

And here there are a couple of ideas for articles you just need to develop. If you integrate the prompt with your keyword research, you’ll have all the drafts you need to write great SEO articles, saving a lot of time and without neglecting your own brand identity.

Try this:

Simple ChatGPT prompt for SEO copywriting drafts

The result is a nice Title and a couple of SEO-optimized subtitles, with a draft, as requested. The content is quite simple and it doesn’t deliver any real how-to a user could immediately apply. It’s not good-quality content, it doesn’t say anything of value and Google knows it, so it won’t reward it with a spot on the SERP.
Anyway, ChatGPT gives you useful ideas to deepen and write a comprehensive article that a user would read, though. You can talk about that topic on a level from beginner to expert, with your distinctive way of communicating. Also, you can choose to cover only a part of those topics and write about the rest in other posts, for instance.

Time passes very quickly when you are looking for new ideas for your content: indeed, a tool like this can be a real lifesaver. You know the topic, you have the expertise and now you have also a way to obtain a draft to transform into valuable pieces of information.

Here’s the prompt to copy-paste:

Provide a 150 words draft for a blog post that should rank on Google for the keyword “[YOUR KEYWORD HERE]”: the draft must have a title length between 45 and 60 characters and two subtitles to divide two subtopics.

Have fun! …And please, feel free to contact me for more about integrating AI for content marketing in your workflow!